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Produced in partnership with the customer engagement platform Emarsys, part of SAP. Recorded to coincide with the National Retail Federation’s 2021 Retail Big Show that’s taking place virtually this year due to Covid restrictions, the focus of this episode was to look at what 2021’s retail marketing priorities should be.
We also discuss topics highlighted in Emarsys’ unPredictions ebook, which is available to download here.
For this episode Sucharita Kodali, VP Principal Analyst Serving eBusiness and Channel Strategy Professionals at Forrester moderated the discussion.
Joining Sucharita online were:
We also heard from Ratul Shah, Head of Product Marketing at SAP Customer Data Solutions.
Sucharita began by asking the guests to summarise how 2020 went for their businesses during the pandemic and what their plans were for 2021.
Kristin explained that Hanna Andersson is about 35 years old, focused in kids apparel and sleepwear and that when the pandemic hit, like a lot of retailers, it was really difficult. She said they had to change all of their plans and strategies. They had a small store base and for them it was a masterclass in agility and flexibility. Kristin explained that one of the things Hanna Andersson is really good at is being nimble and agile, which is incredibly important in a situation like this. She explained they had a big business around swim and due to the pandemic, not a lot of people were going on spring break or vacations. She said they had to question how to be more sensitive to their customers, where they were in the moment with home schooling and everything that everyone’s facing. Therefore, she said one of the things that they leaned into was a lot around their customer messaging and customer communication. She said it was so important for them just to try to provide value added content, whether it was blog posts to keep kids entertained or to do things around surprise and delight, to keep people engaged with them. However, Kristin explained that they are lucky in that one of their core categories is pyjamas and currently due to the fact that no one’s going into the office, so structured clothes aren’t as necessary. She said despite that luxury, there was definitely a lot of changes and shifts. Kristin said that back in 2019, the company went through a ‘journey of transformation’ where there were some technology investments, and this helped them significantly. She said they evolved and modernised their technology stack, especially around communication, that was helpful and one of the things they actually just accomplished was transitioning to Emarsys where they had some great success. However, she said it’s been an important thing to try to maintain and stay nimble and stay agile for 2021 and said they’re really optimistic about it, it’s still going to be hard, there’s definitely some headwinds that they’re all facing but overall, they’ve got a great outlook for the year. Kristin said they closed out 2020 in a great place, so they hope that momentum continues to carry them forward with all the investments that they’ve done.
John said that what Kristen said resonates with him, he said last year turned a lot of what we think about retail upside down. He explained that Zulily is an online retailer and they launched in 2010, focused on providing deals for moms, babies and kids, largely in a flash sale model, they’ve really evolved the business over the last year. He said that like the entire retail industry, they’ve been impacted by the pandemic from their core customer to the priority and need for a business continuity. John said that like many others, they had to reinvent a new normal, from the creative that they bring to life in their studios every day, to how their supply chain interacts, to the partnerships with the brands that they serve to their customers. John joined Zulily in January last year and said for him individually, it was a unique experience in that he was onboarding and then building out a team remotely for most of the year and that team health, safety and well-being is and continues to be their number one priority as a company as they continue to operate as an essential business. John explained they saw a significant amount of growth last year, part of that was given their history as an online retailer, they were uniquely positioned to lean into the needs of their core customers, moms, and because of the agility of their business model, they’ve been able to continue to build on that over the last 11 years. He said last year they doubled down and refocused all of their customer facing activity on their original customer target of moms with kids at home. He added that they made a number of significant changes to their online merchandising and quickly curated home essentials. John said that his team in particular pays close attention to consumer purchase behaviour and trends because they want to be serving up new, fresh product and brands in an engaging customer experience every single day. At the start of the pandemic, he said they saw an immediate product mix shift growth in categories, their arts and crafts business is up nearly two hundred percent, and another example would be they’ve sold over one million nonmedical grade face coverings from the beginning of the pandemic into April of last year and were able to partner with many different types of brands which sparked growth in categories like maternity. Brands and vendors who have seen their brick-and-mortar business erode partnered with Zulily to reach their coveted mom customers, so John is positive for 2021 and said they see opportunities to grow the business and continue to partner with brands and vendors in exciting ways.
Gavin explained that Purple help physical spaces be as smart as the online version, they are a tech company who work with brands like Wal-Mart, Under Armour, Kate Spade and large formats such as Harvey Nichols and Harrods and entire airports. He explained that they use existing technology like Wi-Fi, BLE and the Earth’s geomagnetic core to do indoor wayfinding. Gavin explained they bring all of the intelligence that you would get online, but in the physical store, such as how many visitors do you get, how often, the bounce rate, the conversion, that whole suite of analytics of understanding customers, then moves from inside to action. He explained they focus on rewarding loyalty, getting customers back that haven’t been for a while, spotting trends in particular customer types or demographics. Gavin said they work with retailers all over the world, 120 countries.
He explained that they focus on three areas with customers:
Gavin explained that typically, in the past, it’s been a little bit of safety but predominantly experience and reward. He said they know the minute somebody walks in pre purchase, instead of it being post purchase because they detect them from the Wi-Fi presence. He explained they’ve seen a shift more towards the safety element and they integrate with cameras both 3D and 2D, so they can do occupancy management and really understand how many people are in a store or an area of a store at any given time. Gavin explained that the whole social distancing has driven that, and at Purple, they can automate all of it, instead of people doing it manually. He said in Latin America and some European countries, it’s now a legal requirement, if people exceed occupancy levels, they face fines, Purple can help them automate the whole process. He explained that some of their retail customers are closed, but they need to get ready to be open and welcome back, and the brief time that they were open in the UK in the summer, they needed to control that occupancy and understand when people were coming so they could staff in the right ways to deal with the peaks and troughs of traffic that they get. Gavin said that one of the things that they’re quite excited about that they’ve been pushing with customers, is externalising that data. So, for example, they already have the traffic light systems outside shops, but externalising that into apps and the website so that a consumer, for example, can see that their local store is really quiet on a Thursday morning between 10 and 11 or they can see that the local store is quite busy, but the one three miles down the road is really quiet. So, he said they’ve seen a real shift towards safety and getting that consumer trust, and initially the challenge is getting people to leave the house to go back to stores and then when they’re at those stores, making them feel safe enough that they want to come back again.
Emarsys works with a variety of companies which covers not only a global variety, but pretty much every sector there is from a vertical standpoint. Payal explained that they’re fortunate to partner with brands like Hanna Andersson and work with Kristin and her team to help them achieve their vision and goals around customer engagement. She said that at Emarsys, they have a a globally diverse customer base with over 1500 clients, but most of their clients are in the retail sector and Emarsys help their clients use their data more effectively to deliver those, in the moment, contextually relevant, personalised interactions at scale. Payal said that during the holiday season, they surveyed about 355 US businesses who have a turnover of 20 million dollars and over, and they found that 1 in 5 of those businesses fundamentally changed how they do business. She said that 2020’s tough environment was a catalyst, but it was a catalyst for positive change and adaption and the investment in more online and mobile channels that these businesses made. She added that that trend won’t change in 2021 but the increase in digital channel engagement from 2020 meant that brands collected a lot more data on their customers than they otherwise would have. She explained that the challenge there was that they didn’t quite have the right expertise or the technology ecosystem to really understand who their customers were, what their preferences were, what to do with that data, how to store it, process it and use it to keep the customers engaged. She said because of that, they also found it challenging to keep their customers engaged outside of what they could offer on discounts and they saw this across the industry. Payal said this opened up opportunity because it also meant that they saw a lot of those brands, about 38% to 40% of them, moving away from these discounts and using online or digital personalisation to grow their online presence. She said almost 59% of these businesses said that loyal customers contributed to more revenue in 2020 than they did in previous years and with personalisation being seen as an online growth drive, it led to 51% of them saying that more customers completed their product discovery and purchase journeys via mobile phone and in particular, a mobile app. She added that due to the huge surge in mobile digital channel engagement, it led businesses to try and replicate the experience that they have in store, online and it meant that 79% to 80% of the businesses they surveyed collected more data on new customers in 2020. Payal said that it meant that those brands who had all of this data, invested in more customer centric technology to store, and process it and then used that to personalise the digital channels that customers were engaging in 2020. She added they also invested in different online marketplaces, for example, eBay and Amazon to ensure that relevancy and availability for their customers.
Privacy and Usage of Data
Kristin began by saying that getting as much information as they can, but doing it responsibly is definitely a challenge. She said it’s something that’s evolving pretty much every day and Hanna Andersson have been around for thirty-five plus years, so, some of their data might not be in the best shape and that’s been part of their transformation in their journey. She said they have had to question how they access their data, what data they share in terms of internally to make the business decisions and really being the data driven organisation. One of the things that Kristin said for their team is, 2021 needs to be the year of data in a much bigger way for Hanna, so, while they use data and leverage it, there’s more opportunity. She said some of the changes that are coming down quickly was absolutely critical for the business, they put in a new ERP back in 2016, 2017. Kristin added they have to make sure that it’s trusted data across the organisation and they’ve really invested in some internal resources around security and privacy to make sure they are maintaining the best experience for their customers. She added they also have to make sure they’re thinking about things like a loyalty program, giving a reason for the customer to give them the data and to provide that more personalised experience. Kristin added that they’ve started scratching the surface a little bit and seen some great results, but there’s just so much more that they can do. She said they’ve been trying to introduce non-traditional types of loyalty programs that have elements of engagement with it and that it’s not just about the transaction, you have to look more broadly than that. Kristin said that they’re midstream in their data journey and it’s a journey that never ends in this space. She said just when you think you’ve got things in a good place there’s always going to be changes that need to take place, so maintaining a pulse of what’s going on and building an infrastructure that allows you to be more nimble and agile in terms of how you use and leverage your data is important.
In terms of keeping on top of everything, Kristin said some days, you figure you got one thing done and then another one pops up, but they do some great partners right now. She said she’s a big believer in tapping into the collective genius of the group, so to speak, she loves having conversations with bright people in the industry. She added that there’s a lot of either formal or informal groups that they’re a part of and it’s a lot about sharing of ideas and trying to look across the landscape because no group has got this completely figured out, everyone’s trying to figure this out almost real time in the moment.
Sucharita said that Zulily is in a unique position because the company has so much first party data, but at the same time, they’re constantly trying to acquire new customers and also facing a number of these issues that are data and privacy related. She asked John about his thoughts on how the company is thinking about these issues if he has any good advice for people listening on how to manage this rocky landscape.
John said he agreed with Kristin, it’s something that’s constantly evolving, and they just continue to learn and invest effort in their omnichannel personalisation. He explained that Zulily has an opt in member base, so, for them, it’s about driving engagement via compelling communication and it’s important that as they do that that, they select the best content, the right events, the contact method, and the frequency of communication for each member in order to drive a very personalized experience. John said that because they have an opt-in member base, they have lots of data on their customers and they’re really focused on building a one-to-one relationship. He said they have very robust marketing and technology teams, machine learning inside the organisation and that’s going to be important to the functionality that they continue to build out as they look to improve the customer experience going forward. However, he said their challenges have been about product scarcity and supply chains, less about the ability to sell. As a business, he said they don’t hold very much inventory, which means the priorities from a product strategy standpoint are about driving fresh new product for their customer experience, which means innovating on their platform through technology and leveraging the agility in their business model. For example, they launched a marketplace model a few months ago with a test of the wine category, it was designed as a way to lean into product categories that are highly relevant to their customers and develop a different way for brands to connect with the Zulily customer automatically by using a marketplace approach. They also started to unlock and act as a fulfilment service for brands who previously may not have worked with Zulily. John explained that they can start to leverage their millions of customers to benefit brick and mortar brands, maintaining their brand equity while using the scale of an online retailer to reach those customers who are likely to shop their brands through their personalised shopping experience. He said fresh, trending, in-season product is key to customer happiness in his view, they see a great opportunity to continue to work with brands and retailers and in 2020 and the pandemic accelerated those conversations.
Sucharita added that in the past, Zulily has given the opportunity to provide brands marketing and in other outbound packages and asked John if this is an asset that they are continuing to exploit.
John said it’s an area that they’d like to continue growing, they want to make sure that when they think about their value proposition, it’s not just about putting product on their site, but it’s about brands reaching millions of customers. He said they’re set up to help their vendor partners not only move excess inventory or launch a new product quickly because of their flexible business model, but also expand their reach. At Zulily they provide real time insights using their vendor portal and he said with the data insights, the analytics are very important. John said from a vendor fulfilment services standpoint, which increased in importance during the pandemic, they provide brands with access to their warehouse product, not only for Zulily, but for their direct to consumer, wholesale, and retail businesses as well.
Sucharita then asked Gavin about some of the challenges of data and privacy and how they overcome the issues at Purple.
Gavin began by explaining that they collect first party data through wi-fi login, so they have 166 million users of the Wi-Fi in various places via their customers all over the world. He said they’ve been through this many years ago with GDPR, which was the first heavy hitting legislation and helping their customers in Europe, when that first happened, there were digital bonfires all over the show, because there were piles of data with unknown rights attached to them. He said one of the things they were able to do is work with customers and say, if you know that you’ve not got the rights, it needs to go, and if there’s some uncertainty, let’s try and refresh those rights via the wi-fi login. He said Pizza Express is an example, they increased their CRM database by 600 percent in under three months and refreshed 60 percent of all of their existing data with new rights so they could be confident in using that. He said they saw CCPA come in and work with customers on that and the New York Privacy Shield. Gavin said they’ve seen that come from Europe and go around the world and deal with it very much first-hand, because they’re collecting that data on behalf of their customers and at considerable volumes.
Payal said GDPR and CCPA are regulations and protections on customer data privacy, but about a year or so ago, Apple, Google and Firefox also announced that they won’t be supporting the use of third-party cookies on their browsers anymore. She explained that as part of Apple’s announcement in 2020, the iOS 14, the IDFA, identify for advertisers, would also no longer be relevant or widely used for a customer identifier on mobile for any kind of advertising and marketing purposes. Payal said with regards to those third-party cookies, Safari and Mozilla, have already blocked the use of third-party cookies and now require explicit consent and Opt-In per channel for the customer to be able to use that data. She said echoing what John was referring to in terms of opt in, right now, it’s not something that they’ve seen a lot of brands prioritise, but it does need to be a strategy that they build on because the impact is that marketers will actually have no way to get those insights from mobile and online customer behaviours unless, a customer provides them with the explicit permission to track and use their first party data. She explained that this impacts how brands will measure and analyse the effectiveness of their campaigns across that budget, as well as what they’re overall contributing to the business. She added, for example, if a brand hasn’t prioritised the identification of their customers across different channels and actually capture that consent, they have no way of using that data to personalise and move away from discounts and offers and they’ve actually lost sight of who that customer is. Payal said that even that in store customer identification is still an opt in and is something that we see happening more and more, where brands are now starting to prioritise the identification and capture across every channel, not just the digital channel, but in store too, because the majority of transactions still happen in physical stores. She added that e-commerce is a vitally important channel, but if you look at their industry, both having an omnichannel presence is incredibly valuable because it gives your customer the option of going anywhere for your brand. So, Payal said, in 2021 having that data and keeping it in one place, it’s difficult to then use that data, but having it flowing in different systems in an organisation is how brands can really make use of that permission-based data that they’ve captured from their customers. She said from what they’ve seen and based on some of the research and surveys that they’ve done is, some of the brands have invested in having that right technology, like customer engagement platform as part of their infrastructure to really help scale those operations and legally use customer data in the right way.
Customer Acquisition
Kristin began by saying the industry is an ever-changing landscape and the fact that about 70 percent of iOS users currently share their data it’s slightly terrifying when you think about it as it’s going to potentially drop to about 10, 15 percent. She said working through that will definitely be a challenge, she said things like CDP are exactly the types of things that they’re working on as well as loyalty programmes, how do they get the data, understand it, and make sure it’s easily accessible throughout the organisation. Kristin explained that bringing it all together and really understanding that data is one of their most valuable resources and elements to the brand. She said they have great product, great design, but for them it’s a question of:
Kristin said that every day it feels like there’s another story about another hack, another breach, so customers are getting increasingly sensitive and aware. She explained that they had a good 2020 in that respect and she’d like to continue that momentum but it’s that constant friction and tension that they’re going to have to continue to work through. Payal agreed and said Customers need to be central to an organisation and their data needs to be accessible across different systems to be able to deliver that in the moment, contextually relevant, personalised experience for each individual customer, especially when they react with a brand across many different touch points, but whether that’s going to be via digital channels or a physical store or even a call centre. And when brands prioritise customers, that means they know unique attributes about that customer that no other brand knows and this competitive advantage, together with how brands use loyalty, can be used to win, and retain customers in 2021 and offer that experience that a customer can’t get anywhere else. She said that when they advise brands on loyalty, it’s more than just points and prizes, it’s about what you have to offer for your customer that they can’t get anywhere else, it’s their value proposition on how they differentiate themselves in a very crowded market. Payal explained that customer data, how they use it, and loyalty is key for brands to grow and nurture their relationships with customers through their contextually relevant, in the moment, experiences that ultimately drive repeat purchase.
John added that Zulily is unique in that, in order for a shopper to access their incredible deals, they require an opt in email address, this, along with thousands of other variables, enable their machine learning and data science teams to personalise that one-to-one shopping experience, such as new activations, reactivations and so forth. He said the deep knowledge that they have of their customer all are inputs into the experience that they’re trying to create uniquely for them.
We then heard from Ratul Shah of the SAP Customer Data Solutions team who Russell Goldsmith caught up with earlier in the week, and he started by asking Ratul why customer identity and access management is important.
Ratul began by saying a Customer Identity and Access Management Solution, or a CIAM solution, is designed to help businesses understand who their customers are and how they want to be treated. So, it provides the digital technology that allows brands and retailers to build an easy way to help identify and remove the friction for customers coming into their brand. He said it also helps them to understand how they want to be engaged, so, when you think about knowing who someone is, what channels they want to be communicated on, what their preferences are, and the consent to use that data, to personalise the experience in a digital way consistently, helps you increase their conversion rates and more importantly, helps drive retention because they’re able to be consistent with the delivery of services to them across the journey.
Ratul added that it leads onto the need for retailers to have a customer data platform, however, he said retail businesses are complex because it’s not just completely online, there is an offline component to this, how do you identify someone when they come into an area, how do you combine that data together and utilise the purpose of that data to engage in both the digital and physical worlds, as well as optimise their business for a customer centric experience. Ratul said that as we’ve seen the rise of two different types of CDPs, one being the customer data platform, but also the rise of customer data privacy regulations, the need to truly understand who the customer is, how they want to be treated, and use that data in a purpose-built way to design customer experiences that are truly impactful and exceed those expectations are what’s critical. He explained that CDP is really helping a business with that unification of data and they need to be able to respect their customer because they’ll have the purpose of their data and use all of that in a consistent and trusted way. He said doing it in a way that is exceeding their customers’ expectations and beneficial to the business and the consumer to continue to drive loyalty and engagement throughout the funnel.
Russell then asked Ratul why CIAMs and CDPs are even more important right now.
Ratul began by saying there are two primary reasons, so last year with Covid, we all saw businesses having to go digital the right way, they needed to stand up storefronts and do it in a trusted way, so CIAM solutions provided the consistent technology to allow companies to build digital applications and websites to build trust in a seamless way, to identify who someone is and make it easy for them to use their services and then understand how they want to be treated. However, he said recently we’ve seen the pressure put on by big technologies on cookies and that means advertisers are having to find new ways of understanding who people are. He explained that Apple is releasing new regulations in their iOS 14 for an end user to be able to turn off the ability to be tracked across apps. Therefore, he said advertising effectiveness and knowing who your customers are may start to go down because you’re used to getting a lot of third-party data. Ratul explained that a CIAM solution allows you to build those trusted relationships with someone directly so you are able to capture and collect consent based first party data. He said it’s important because it helps people to understand who someone is and helps build that relationship directly with them, they’re then going to trust you. He then explained that if you progressively build your information, your first party repository of data up over time and it’s done in a transparent way, you’re enabling control over their data, which is what a CIAM solution allows you to do, the data you now have on them is of a higher quality and you can use it in a way that they will understand, you’re going to help build their trust over time.
John explained that Ratul’s focus on Customer Identification and Access Measurement is very similar to how they approach their customer at Zulily. He said they aim to deliver a personalised, fun shopping experience with unbeatable deals on great product. John said they’re also always going to continue on earning customer trust and they have an opportunity to do so through technology, innovation, and transparency. He said they want to build great experiences for their customers’ future and they have the benefit of having information to serve their customers better from the front-end customer experience to the back end and vendor enabled components. John explained that due to their flexible business model, they curate and launch events very quickly and on partnerships, their brand partners receive unique insights and provide access to real time sales information by product size, style and location. He said they are always looking for ways to support the back end of their brand partners, there are constraints in the global supply chain and continue to be disruptions, so they also offer the use of their warehouses to their brands and vendor partners to warehouse product. John said those are just a few of the ways they’re using their surround sound of data to create better customer experiences.
What’s next for retailers in 2021.
Payal explained that customers really need to be central to an organisation and their data needs to be accessible across different systems to be able to really deliver those in the moment, contextually relevant, personalised experiences for every individual customer when they interact with and not just on one touchpoint, but on any touch point across any digital and physical channels. She said that when brands prioritise customers, that means they know unique attributes about that customer that no other brand really knows, and that is competitive advantage. She said that, together with how brands use loyalty, can be used to win, and retain customers in 2021 and offer an experience that their customers can’t get anywhere else. Payal said that with more competition than ever before in the retail sector and more brands selling online, it’s key to nurture and grow that relationship with customers through those contextually relevant, in the moment experiences that ultimately drive a repeat purchase and loyalty.
Kristin said to continue to be agile and don’t be afraid to test and learn from it and continue to try new things. She said that authenticity is really important for brands right now and when you do make a mistake, own it and understand it. She explained that one main trend that will come out of 2021 is around purpose-based content, she said everyone’s very aware right now of the chaos that’s going on in the world and so having a higher sense of purpose and incorporating that within the commerce experience is going to be an important component, that empathy and humanity is also an important element. Kristin said that at Hanna Andersson they’re positioned well in terms of culture, and philosophy going forward. She said it’s definitely going to be something for them to continue to try to lean into and empower their teams and it’s a core component of their culture as a brand.
John agreed with Kristin and said in addition to agility, it’s about adaptability and being able to pivot and adapt quickly. He said at Zulily and even specifically on his own team that he leads, he encourages a culture of experimentation, he doesn’t want the people that he works with to be afraid to take a risk because that’s how you test and learn. He explained that it’s an important part of their culture and one of the corporate traits that they have that’s enabled them to be successful. He said it’s all about omnichannel personalisation, they’ll continue to strategically source new business using data monitoring trends, building strategic partnerships, and working closely with the brands that they work with as a segmented channel partner. John said that if 2021 is anything like 2020, agility, adaptability, a test and learn and a culture of experimentation is going to be incredibly important for brands to adapt to the new normal that we find ourselves in.
Gavin explained that he believes that 2021 might be a lot better than 2020 and there is light at the end of the tunnel. He said they’re very focused on the physical spaces, they do link into the online channels as well but for those physical spaces, the biggest challenge that retailers have got is building trust from the consumer to feel safe and come back to store. However, he said the second thing is around the experience because people have got used to shopping online, if you’ve got a store that doesn’t give some sort of experience, then you’ve just got a very expensive distribution channel. So, he explained that thinking about how those consumers interact when they’re at that store will be important in winning mindshare and understanding that there will be a new normal, people’s behaviours will have changed. Gavin said it’s important that retailers are in a position to be able to get the data to understand that because whatever they were used to, it will be different and if you don’t have ways of collecting that data and understanding it, then you’re working in the dark.
Payal agreed with what Gavin said, it’s important to collect that data and the last stat from the survey was that 51% of the businesses that they surveyed saw that more customers were completing product discovery to purchase journey through a mobile app. She explained that’s a significant increase to what they’ve seen in the last few years and one of the biggest investments would be to connect the online, offline, and mobile datasets with a technology ecosystem that really allows a brand to be customer centric. She said they found that online retailers intended to focus on selling through marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay as a route to customers but about 37% to 40% actually intended to invest in their own branded channels and by doing so, it allows a brand to really understand who their customers are and be able to control the engagement and experience they deliver to that customer. Payal said that by investing in their own branded channel, they’re able to really capture store process and use that customer data in a compliant and legal way and a key focus for the retail sector this year should be putting the customers at the heart of the organisation and earning the right to use their data as their competitive advantage. She said ensuring that there’s value exchange for their customer to be able to provide their consent and also come back to a brand and meet them with contextually relevant, in the moment, personalised experiences across any touchpoint, they’re really meeting customer expectations, and this is what’s going to drive repeat purchases, loyalty and growth in 2021.
Emarsys unPredictions ebook
Payal said that under normal circumstances, Emarsys would produce a predictions guide but 2020 was a very difficult year to predict and a lot of what happened wasn’t in a brand’s control, so instead, this year, they’ve created an unPredictions guide, which looks at what they’ve learned in 2020 and what are some of the foundations that a brand can control and are needed to be successful in 2021. Across the Emarsys and SAP client base, their unPredictions guide gives retail brands some guidance on how they can better adapt to grow in the current retail landscape.
If you’d like to have a look at this guide, please download a copy.